( id AA191714448; Mon, 21 Aug 1995 21:07:28 -0700
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Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 23:11 CDT
From: johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank)
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com (lightwave)
Subject: Re: Test?
Message-Id: <1942.6439T716T2897@mcs.com>
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on 18-Aug-95 22:39:29, davewarner (davewarner@globalone.net) Emailed:
> On Fri, 18 Aug 1995 davewarner@globalone.net wrote:
>> Hi there....this is just a test, eh!
> Did everyone receive this message??? I think I may have fixed the mail
> delivery problems, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Some really WEIRD
> stuff happened to the list...I kept getting error messages that WebCom
> couldn't find the list of people's accounts that are subscribed to these
> mailing lists, but the damn files were right where they were supposed
> to be! DUH!
> Also, I have no idea why old messages continue to be dredged up and sent
> to the mailing lists...obviously there are some problems occurring at
> WebCom and I'm gonna raise hell on Monday! Grrrr....
> -David Warner
> --
> davewarner@globalone.net sent this message.
> To Post a Message : lightwave@webcom.com
> Un/Subscription Requests To : lightwave-request@webcom.com
> (DIGEST) or : lightwave-digest-request@webcom.com
> Administrative Items To : owner-lightwave@webcom.com
Hey, and it ended up in my Lightwave Conference folder instead of my email,
too! The Reply-To: now shows lightwave@webcom.com as it should, so when I
select REPLY in my reader it addresses back to the list properly. How come
it still shows as being originally addressed to lightwave@mail.webcom.com?
This used to show up as lightwave@webcom.com. I think Webcom is screwing